AIFC Green Finance Centre
27 July 2022 00:00
Climate Bonds Initiative accredited AIFC Green Finance Centre
On 23 June 2022 GFC was included in the list of accredited verifiers by an international organization that defines green finance standards globally, the Climate Bonds Initiative. GFC is the only institution in Central Asia recognized by two major
AIFC Green Finance Centre
18 July 2022 14:03
Aidar Kazybayev was appointed as Chairman of the National ESG Club
One of the landmark events of the Astana Finance Days-2022 forum was the creation of the National ESG Club (hereinafter referred to as the Club). Among the founders of the Club are leaders of the financial market of Kazakhstan such as Otbasy Bank, Halyk
AIFC Green Finance Centre
18 July 2022 09:30
The AIFC Green Finance Centre will develop a taxonomy of green projects for the Kyrgyz Republic
The CEO of the AIFC Green Finance Centre (GFC) Aidar Kazybayev and the Minister of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision of the Kyrgyz Republic Dinara Kutmanova held a meeting in Bishkek. During the meeting, a framework Agreement on
AIFC Green Finance Centre
01 July 2022 12:39
AIFC Green Finance Centre has become a co-founder of the Green Hydrogen Alliance of Kazakhstan
At Astana Finance Days on June 29, 2022, during the First Green Hydrogen Forum, an Agreement was signed on the establishment of the Green Hydrogen Alliance of Kazakhstan, which was joined by AIFC Green Finance Centre, represented by CEO Aidar Kazybayev.
AIFC Green Finance Centre
01 July 2022 00:00
AIFC Green Finance Centre proposes new ways to invest in sports
The AIFC Green Finance Centre (hereinafter the GFC), within the framework of Astana Finance Days conference, took part in the session Investing in the New Economy: Sport. A new way to invest." The session became a platform for discussing the financial
AIFC Green Finance Centre
01 July 2022 00:00
IV Green Growth Forum. New frontiers of the ESG agenda and sustainable finance in Kazakhstan
Consideration of ESG factors and creation of conditions for the development of sustainable finance instruments are recognized as key to ensuring sustainable growth. This thesis can be traced in the speech of the Head of State at the meeting of the AIFC
AIFC Green Finance Centre
30 June 2022 12:55
The future of ESG for banks is already here
Starting from 2024, it is planned to include ESG risks in the annual process of stress testing of the banking sector in Kazakhstan.ESG practices in the banking sector, plans of regulators, new reporting standards and climate risks were discussed during
AIFC Green Finance Centre
30 June 2022 00:00
Lord Daniel Brennan has joined the AIFC Green Finance Centre to promote social and environmental initiatives together
During the Astana Finance Days on June 29, 2022, within the framework of the IV Green Growth Forum, a Cooperation Agreement was signed between the AIFC Green Finance Centre and Lord Daniel Brennan, a member of the UK House of Lords.In order to promote
AIFC Green Finance Centre
29 June 2022 07:13
The transition to social taxonomy in Kazakhstan was discussed within the Green Growth Forum on the sidelines of Astana Finance Days
As part of the Green Growth Forum, on June 28, 2022, a panel session Transition to a Social Taxonomy in Kazakhstan was held, where the proposed draft Taxonomy of Social Projects for ESG Finance Markets was discussed.The central topic of discussion was
AIFC Green Finance Centre
28 June 2022 16:26
The “Regional green capital market cooperation” session was held within the Astana Finance Days conference
The General Secretary of the Organization of Turkic States H.E. Baghdad Amreyev addressed the participants of the session with a welcoming speech. He noted that the initiative to develop the green capital market should bring together the positions of
AIFC Green Finance Centre
28 June 2022 00:00
Three advantages of investing in green bonds were revealed
Investment opportunities arising from the global shift to sustainability in emerging markets, investment platforms and pricing of green bonds at the primary market were discussed during the panel session "Big shots. Capitalising on the sustainable
AIFC Green Finance Centre
26 May 2022 00:00
GFC Bishkek offered a training program on ESG strategy, investments and risks for top business leaders at the II meeting of the Kazakh-Kyrgyz Business Council
General Director of the AIFC Green Finance Centre (AIFC GFC) Aidar Kazybayev, during his visit to Kyrgyzstan to present the foreign office of the GFC ( GFC Bishkek ), took part in the II meeting of the Kazakh-Kyrgyz Business Council. A. Kazybaev
AIFC Green Finance Centre
26 May 2022 00:00
AIFC Green Finance Centre held a meeting with the UN Mission in Kyrgyzstan
In continuation of the dialogue started in Nur-Sultan within the framework of the meeting with the delegation of the UN Mission in Kyrgyzstan, on 24 May 2022, a delegation of the AIFC Green Finance Centre headed by CEO Aidar Kazybayev held a meeting in
AIFC Green Finance Centre
25 May 2022 00:00
Regional expansion of the AIFC: the first subsidiary of the AIFC Green Finance Centre was established in Kyrgyzstan
Presentation of GFC Bishkek, a joint company, created by the AIFC Green Finance Centre (AIFC CFC), as well as OJSC Aiyl Bank, CJSC Kyrgyz Stock Exchange, Union of Banks of Kyrgyzstan, took place at the site of the Kyrgyz Stock Exchange.The agreement on
AIFC Green Finance Centre
12 May 2022 00:00
The UN Mission in Kyrgyzstan supports the creation of a subsidiary of the AIFC Green Finance Centre – “GFC BISHKEK”
Within the framework of the visit of the delegation of the UN Mission in Kyrgyz Republic to the Astana International Financial Centre (hereinafter AIFC), the CEO of the AIFC Green Finance Centre (hereinafter GFC) Kazybayev A.K. held a meeting with the